Nature Psychology and Mythology

Imagining a Visit from Eros

My dream visitor follows me as I walk up the trail with my dogs. I…

photo: Margaret Ehly
Nature Psychology and Mythology

Imbolc: Spring Awakens in the Belly of the Earth

I watch the sun on the western horizon all year. Its setting spot barely moves…

Family and Friends

No Cell Phone and a Great Excuse For Being Late

Snow pelted the windows and obscured the black night sky. It was 6 pm and…

Monarch Zinnia2
Creativity Psychology and Mythology

Inspiration from Marion Woodman

April 18, 2009 Dearest Elaine, ...Ross (86, Marion's husband) and I (80) laugh many times…

January 2022 sunset

A Cycle of Bountiful Beauty

Seasons in the New York Finger Lakes go from frigid cold in mid winter to…

Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

In the Crypt of St. Francis

Italian sun glowed through stained glass windows in the upper Basilica of St. Francis of…

Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

Finding the Sacred Feminine: Lessons from India

The morning after Sankara’s funeral, we slowly walked the dusty road to the Sankara Mutt…

Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

Grieving for the Guru (Journey to India, Part 6)

Like so much else in India, Sri Sankaracharya's  funeral felt dreamlike and foreign, comforting and…

Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

A Sacred Grief Ritual (Journey to India, Part 5)

After a late night drive from the Ramana Ashram to Kanchipuram, Vic and I slept…

(Photo by Vic Mansfield, 1993)

The Silent Blessing (Journey to India, Part 4)

Sri Sankaracharya had a fever and wasn’t giving audiences when we arrived in Kanchipuram, India…