- “Waiting,” Gratefulness: A Network for Grateful Living, November 2018.
- “A Narrow Escape,” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary & Visual Arts, Fall 2018, p. 100.
- “Pushing Through”: A Poem for Grieving Hearts, Dailygood, July 7, 2018.
- “Pushing Through”: A Poem for Grieving Hearts, A Network for Grateful Living (gratefulness.org), May 28, 2018.
- “When Gratitude Holds Hands with Grief,” Dailygood, Apr 25, 2018.
- “The Gift of Hospicare Support for Patients and Families,” Hospicare and Palliative Care Services, Ithaca, NY, Apr 5, 2018.
- “From Palliative Care to Becoming a Hospicare Patient,” Hospicare and Palliative Care Services, Ithaca, NY, Mar 1, 2018.
- “Love Message from the Other Side,” OTV Magazine, Feb 14, 2018.
- “When Gratitude Holds Hands with Grief,” A Network for Grateful Living (gratefulness.org), Feb 5, 2018.
- “Why It Helps to Understand Palliative Care Options Before We’re Sick: The Hospicare PATH Program (Palliative Approach to Health), Hospicare and Palliative Care Services,” Ithaca, NY, Feb 2, 2018.
- “Ten Ways to Kindle Light in the Dark Season,” Hospicare and Palliative Care Services, Ithaca, NY, Jan 5, 2018
- “Journey from Death to Life,” OTV Magazine, Sept 18, 2017
- “Give My Son a Kiss From Me,” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary & Visual Arts, Fall 2017, p. 80.
- “Wild Nights: Grief Dreams, Mythology, and the Inner Marriage,” 1st place winner, “Memories, Dreams, and Sensualities” competition sponsored by Jung in the Heartland, Oct 2017.
- “When the Whole is Split in Half,” an article in Journey’s End: Death, Dying, and the End of Life, edited by Brewster, Victoria and Nierenberg, Julie Saeger, XLibris, July 20, 2017.
- “Hearts Wide Open: Reflections from a Support Group Leader,” an article in Journey’s End: Death, Dying, and the End of Life, edited by Brewster, Victoria and Nierenberg, Julie Saeger, XLibris, July 20, 2017.
- “Only Kindness Makes Sense,” The Scheherazade Chronicles, Feb. 20, 2017.
- “In India at the Death of Sri Sankaracharya: 1994,” MahaPeriyavaPuranam.Org, January 8, 2017.
- “The Puzzle,” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary & Visual Arts, Fall 2016, p. 80.
- “When Lupines Bloom, I Think of Him,” Open to Hope, Apr. 25, 2016.
- “Being Your Own Best Friend: Help from Pema Chodron,” On the Verge Magazine, April 8, 2016.
- “Ending the Battle with Body,” On the Verge Magazine, March 28, 2016.
- “The Last Best Gift,” A Network for Grateful Living, Mar. 7, 2016.
- “The Redeeming Dark,” Transformation Magazine: Wisdom of the Ages, Mar. 2016, p. 16.
- “The Redeeming Dark,” Mindfunda.com, Dec. 2015
- “The Thief,” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary & Visual Arts, Fall 2015, p. 51.
- “The Way Love Feels Now” | After the Death of a Spouse, Open to Hope, Sept. 18, 2015.
- “Did I Get Enough Love?” Beyond Meds, Aug. 24, 2015.
- “Managing a Meltdown,” Beyond Meds, Aug. 14, 2015.
- “The Wounds We Carry,” Beyond Meds, Aug. 6, 2015.
- “Rituals After a Spouse Loss,” article and interview, Open to Hope, July 25.
- “Running from Dad’s Death,” Open to Hope, June 16, 2015.
- “Think Before You Shriek,” The Good Men Project, June 12, 2015.
- “Medicine Buddha to the Rescue,” The Lion’s Roar, June 10, 2015.
- “There Are Actually Six Languages of Love, Not Just Five,” The Good Men’s Project, June 9, 2015
- “Sometimes to Speak Up, You Have to Talk Back,” The Good Men Project, June 2, 2015.
- “To Have a Good Marriage, Have a Good Fight,” The Good Men Project, May 26, 2015.
- “The Green Man’s Guide to Life,” The Edge Magazine, print magazine and on line, May 1, 2015.
- “The Abandoned Table: Changing Places after a Death in the Family,” The Good Men Project, Apr. 28, 2015
- “Voices of Experience: Healing Rituals Help a Grieving Family,” Grief Healing, Apr. 13, 2015.
- “Good Grief! A Human Rite of Passage with Us All the Time,” Beyond Meds (article by Monica Cassani about TEDx talk by Elaine Mansfield) Dec. 19, 2014.
- “One Solstice: A Family Ritual of Love, Remembrance, and Hope,” Open to Hope, Nov. 27, 2014.
- “Only Love Makes Sense,” The Healing Muse, A Journal of Literary & Visual Arts, Vol. 14, 1, Fall 2014, p. 125.
- “Twelve Ways to Heal a Broken Heart,” at KirstyTV, Sept. 24, 2014.
- “Easing the Way at the End of Life: A Conversation with a Palliative Care Doctor,” at Open to Hope, Sept. 8, 2014.
- “Married to a Dead Man,” The Grief Toolbox, Aug. 27, 2014.
- Leaning into Love: A Spiritual Journey through Grief, Larson Publications, October 2014.
- “Only Kindness Makes Sense,” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Visual and Literary Arts, Center for Bioethics and Humanities, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, Oct. 2014.
- “Sharing Grief Brings Solace and Support,” Hospicare of Tompkins County, Newsletter, March 1, 2014.
- “Life After Loss: A Survival Guide,” Hospicare of Tompkins County Bereavement Newsletter (print only), January/February 2014.
- “Mythological Healing in Times of Crisis,” Matrignosis: A Blog about Inner Healing, Nov. 19, 2013,
- “An Alzheimer’s Story: I’m Still my Mother’s Daughter,” Featured story and guest blog, Alzheimers.net, Oct. 22, 2013.
- “Healing My Heart at Hospice,” guest blog at kathleenmrodgers.com, Oct. 2, 2013
- “Dear Ganesha, Patron Saint of Writers,” elephant journal, Sept. 27, 2013
- “From Medicine to Mercy: Protecting an Alzheimer’s Patient,” Featured story and guest blog, Alzheimers.net, Sept. 12, 2013.
- “After the Last Bereavement Gathering,” Hospicare of Tompkins County e-newsletter, Sept. 5, 2013
- “The Last Embrace: The Dalai Lama Blesses a Dying Man,” Shambhala SunSpace and Shambhala.com, Aug. 15-19, 2013.
- “Standing in Our New Lives,” Hospicare of Tompkins County e-newsletter, Mar. 1, 2013.
- “My Mother’s Blessing: Touching Hearts with an Alzheimer’s Patient,” Inside Dementia Newsletter, Feb. 23, 2013.
- “What is the difference between grief and depression?” Hospicare of Tompkins County Bereavement Newsletter, January/February 2013.
- “Take Me Home: A Book Review,” Hospicare of Tompkins County e-newsletter, March 2012.
- “Continuing Bonds,” Hospicare of Tompkins County e-newsletter, September, 2011
- “Tending the Body Through the Hard Times”: Hospicare of Tompkins County e-newsletter and bereavement website, 2011
- “Feathers of Hope”: Hospicare of Tompkins County bereavement website, 2011
- “Medicine & Memories”: Hospicare of Tompkins County bereavement website, 2010
- “A Survival Guide for Life after Loss”: Hospicare of Tompkins County bereavement website, 2010
- “Gratitude and Grief”: Gratefulness.org and New York State Hospice and Palliative Care Association newsletter, 2009
- “Strength When You Need It: Nutrition and Complementary Therapy during Cancer Treatment,” Master Trainer: Lifetime Bodybuilding and Masters Athletes. 17:4. Aug. 2007.
- “Strength When You Need It: Fitness and Cancer Therapy,” Master Trainer: Lifetime Bodybuilding and Masters Athletes. 17:3. June 2007.
- “Designing Exercise Programs To Lower Fracture Risk in Mature Women,” Strength and Conditioning Journal, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Feb. 2006.
- “Exercise, Bone Density, and Fracture Risk,” Master Trainer, August 2004.
- “Recent Findings About Vitamin D and Our Health,” Master Trainer, June 2004.
- “Healthy Bodies, Healthy Weight,” Master Trainer, April 2004.
- “Vegetables and Fruits,” Master Trainer, February 2004.
- “Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Which Ones Work?” Master Trainer, December 2003.
- “Keeping Healthy With Fats And Oils,” Master Trainer, October 2003.
- “Carbohydrates: Friends Or Foes?” Master Trainer, August 2003.
- “Nutritional Supplements: Which Ones Are Proven Effective?” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2002.
- “Squatting: How I Found My Groove, Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2002.
- “Fueling A Fast Recovery, Carbohydrates and Glycemic Index,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2002.
- “Setting Training Goals,” Master Trainer, March-April, 2002.
- “Fueling a Fast Recovery, Fruits and Vegetables,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2002.
- “Fueling a Fast Recovery, Dietary Fats and Oils,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2001.
- “Fueling a Fast Recovery: Protein, Water, Caffeine, and Sugar,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2001.
- “Taking a Training Diet on the Road,” Master Trainer, December 2001.
- “Strong Women Don’t Starve,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2001.
- “Strong Bodies, Sturdy Bones,” Strong Women at Cyberpump.com, 2001.
- “Death Before Hospice, Life With Hospice,” New York State Hospice and Palliative Care Association Newsletter, Summer 2000.
- “Aging Gracefully: Growing Older, Getting Healthier,” New Century Nutrition, 1997