Anthony Mansfield, ~1969
Political Action Spirituality

Walking Meditation: A Calming Practice for Stressful Times

In the American Brahman Bookstore in Ithaca, NY in the late 1960s, a group drawn…

Bereavement and End of Life

Twelve Years after His Death

I walk to my husband Vic’s cairn in the forest to honor his life and…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

The Peace of Surrender

Rushing toward Strong Hospital in 2008, I call the pulmonologist, the oncologist, the cardiologist, and…

Nature Spirituality

Praise in Disheartening Days

During this quarantine without life’s usual distractions, anxiety follows me like my puppy. I’m safe,…

Health Nature

The Greek God Pan, Pandemic, & Nature’s Healing Balm

My email feed and Facebook page burn with coronavirus news and magic ways to avoid…

My Land and Home Spirituality

We’ll Find a New Way of Living, We’ll Find a Way of Forgiving

I dropped into a Deep Well of Grief this morning. I grieved for dreams shattered,…

Bereavement and End of Life Health

When Only Kindness Makes Sense

Just before our fortieth wedding anniversary in 2008, I drive my husband Vic to Strong…

Vic & Elaine in 1990s
Family and Friends Psychology and Mythology

Choose What You Love

I lie in the dark in my lover’s arms listening to his slow sleeping breath.…

Creativity Health Psychology and Mythology

Dreaming the Earth Mother, Searching for Ground

I’ve always felt grounded, sturdy in my hiking boots on a challenging trail, but there…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends Nature

When Joy Breaks Through Grief

In 2010, eighteen months after my husband died, I longed for relief from constant sorrow,…