A solemn Solstice in 2009
Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

Winter Solstice: Rituals of Grief, Hope, and Laughter

In 2009, the year after my husband Vic's death, my sons and I created a solstice ritual.…

Creativity Psychology and Mythology

The Woman in My Dreams

In the dark days before Winter Solstice, I take stock of where I am and…

Joyce Holmes McAllister (The Healing Muse)
Creativity Writing and Social Media

Hearing the Poet’s Heart

I sat in the front row of Weiskotten Hall in Syracuse, NY, just a few…

Psychology and Mythology Spirituality

Dear Anxiety: It’s Time for A Heart-to-Heart Talk

I know you’re scared. I know you’re worried about the world. I know you’re uneasy…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends Psychology and Mythology

When Forgiveness Requires Patience

"Instead of getting angry, nurture a deep caring and respect for troublemakers because by creating…

DAR Good Citizen, 1967 (Detroit Free Press)
Political Action Psychology and Mythology

The Girl Who Believed in Good Government

On election night, I went to bed before 10 p.m. My breath was shallow. My belly…

Creativity Nature

Welcoming the Dark Time

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” ~Madeleine L'Engle…

Vic's cairn
Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

How to Remember the Sorrow We Can’t Forget

“I don’t come to Vic’s cairn so often now,” I said to my friend. She…

Hillary Clinton (wikipedia)
Political Action

Why I’ll Vote for Hillary Clinton

My college years began with the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963. In 1968, the…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

Keeping Love Alive When Grief Goes Underground

I miss my big brother’s Sunday calls. I want to tell him Bob Dylan won…