Anthony, David, Liz McFarlane, Elaine, and Vic's mom Virginia
Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

A Quiet Christmas Morning: Love, Loss and Continuing Bonds

The house is quiet this Christmas morning. A coat of fresh snow decorates the hushed…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends My Land and Home Spirituality

Solstice Blessings: A Family Ritual of Remembrance and Love

On the shortest day of 2009 when my sons were home for the holidays, I…

My Land and Home Nature Political Action

My Hector Home: Protecting the Forests of the Finger Lakes

Willow looks over the world from an upstairs attic window. "What are we doing inside,…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends Health

Whispers and Roars: Surviving the Turmoil of Tinnitus

By late October, words were whispers, mumblings in the dark, puzzles to be solved. I…

Family and Friends

My Hippie Wedding: May 18, 1968

My mom gives me $100 to cover my wedding expenses. I make a lacy yellow…

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Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

Love Infusion: Continuing Bonds with Family

I sit on a wide sunny porch on a 70 degree North Carolina November day…

Wendy Yettru, Volunteer Coordinator
Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

Healing My Heart at Hospicare

“I’m interested in volunteering at Hospicare,” I explained, my voice catching in my throat as…

Family and Friends My Land and Home

Our First Home: Cayuga Lake 1968

“It’s $110 a month,” Mrs. Schooley told us. “$110 a month?” I wasn’t sure we…

Robin Botie
Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends My Land and Home Nature

Lost and Found in My Own Backyard

I met Robin Botie in the oncology ward kitchen at Strong Hospital in Rochester in…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

Until It’s Time for You to Go: 1967

On a bitter March afternoon after my Chinese government seminar at Cornell, I hurry down…