LilBit, Anthony, Willow, Liz, and David
Family and Friends Writing and Social Media

Ten Things That Made Me Grateful This Year (Photo Essay)

  1. My Loving Family 2. The Women's March in Washington, DC, January 2017  …

Magnolia buds in snow
Creativity Health Nature

A Time To Push, A Time to Pause

My ability to push against fatigue and check new projects off the endless to-do list…

Diana, Göttin der Jagd, Öl auf Leinwand, ~1900 wikimedia commons
Creativity Psychology and Mythology

Lessons from Artemis, Goddess of the Wild

I was once an extroverted girl who loved loud Motown concerts and learned every dance…

Lon Ware 194?
Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

Sorrow in the Dark Season

On mid November days, loneliness and hopelessness descend like evening fog. Is it the darkness,…

Orangutan mother & child in acrylic, Elaine Mansfield
Creativity Psychology and Mythology

9 Ways to Unpack a Powerful Dream

In my dream, my house is filled with noisy demanding people. Six orangutans lie in…

with Vic, 1970
Bereavement and End of Life Creativity Psychology and Mythology

When Heartbreak Becomes A Second Chance

I didn’t want a second chance. I liked my first option, the married life I'd…

Creativity Nature Psychology and Mythology

Mothering Monarchs, Mothering My Soul

  I carry the glass jar outside to a shady patch of white asters. The…

Psychology and Mythology

When Fear Is Like a Helpless Child, Try Kindness

I roll over and squint at the red numbers on the clock. 3 AM. Too…

Psyche Revived by Eros's Kiss, Antonio Canova, 1777, Louvre Museum
Bereavement and End of Life Psychology and Mythology

Clutched: An Essential Lesson from Psyche’s Fourth Labor

My mother-in-law grabbed my wrist with her gnarled hand, the way a drowning person grasps…

Balancing rocks on Cayuga Lake
Creativity Nature

Beauty Heals in Troubled Times

66 words, 9 photos,  1 prayer *** Read the Headlines. Hide under bed. ~~~ Shadow…