Nature Psychology and Mythology

Dancing with Monarchs, Defying Despair

The Earth burns. Citizens are shot for no reason other than the color of their…


A Prayer For Our Suffering World

I live in a rural sanctuary, but who can forget the pain of the world—the…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

The Sacred Path of Love: Letters from 1967 & 2020

July 12, 1967 Dear Esel, After your bus left, I couldn’t face the apartment, so…

Bluebird hatching
Nature Psychology and Mythology

Carrying What We Need for Now

The bluebird boy uses his beak to carry bugs and caterpillars for his nestlings and…

Nature Psychology and Mythology

Cradled: Creating a Safe Spot in Times of Crisis

It’s my safe spot now. I don’t love the dark walnut wood, but I love…

Only photo of me with a black child although I lived in Missouri for 11 years
Family and Friends

Skin Color Defined Our Lives

Two little girls stand in an open field, close to each other but not touching.…

Anthony Mansfield, ~1969
Political Action Spirituality

Walking Meditation: A Calming Practice for Stressful Times

In the American Brahman Bookstore in Ithaca, NY in the late 1960s, a group drawn…

Bereavement and End of Life

Twelve Years after His Death

I walk to my husband Vic’s cairn in the forest to honor his life and…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

The Peace of Surrender

Rushing toward Strong Hospital in 2008, I call the pulmonologist, the oncologist, the cardiologist, and…

Nature Spirituality

Praise in Disheartening Days

During this quarantine without life’s usual distractions, anxiety follows me like my puppy. I’m safe,…