Jean and Shadow
Creativity Psychology and Mythology

Growing Gray: A Jungian Writer Embraces the Crone

I’m honored to have a guest post by Jean Raffa this week. I met Jeanie more…

In my pottery overalls 1969
Family and Friends Nature

A Call in the Redwoods: My Hippie Intuition

The trees loomed ancient and prehistoric in the fog. Vic loved their height. He arched…

Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

After the Last Bereavement Gathering

After the last meeting of our four-week bereavement support group, participants talk in groups of…

Pema Chodron ( wikimedia commons)
Bereavement and End of Life Spirituality

The Wounds We Carry: Help from Pema Chodron’s Tonglen Practice

“They’re all wounded,” I thought as I watched people in the grocery store or on…

Elaine and Vic dancing 1967
Political Action Spirituality

Make Love Not War: 1967

I lean into Vic, tucking my shoulder under his arm. Feeling me tremble, he unzips…

Grandma Edna Ware bringing eggs to town
Family and Friends

Safe in the Great Mother’s Bed: Love, Loss and Continuing Bonds

Before Grandpa died when I was nine, I often visited my grandparent’s farm where Dad…

Impressing Veronica Christina in the kitchen
Family and Friends My Land and Home

Cooking a Bowl of Italian Heaven: A Fast Vegetarian Recipe

I don’t cook as much as I used to. It’s a shame, since I spent…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends Psychology and Mythology

Did I Get Enough Love?

As soon as you begin to ask the question, Who loves me? You are completely…

Writing teacher Ellen Schmidt and her dog Otter
Creativity Writing and Social Media

The Joy of a Creative Writing Class

I sit with others at a long table, six with notebooks and one with a…

Vic in Spain, summer 2007
Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

Betrayal of the Body: The Secret Life of Cancer

It was only a little flu. After Thanksgiving break, Vic’s students often returned to campus…