Family and Friends Spirituality

The Gift of Community

Walking toward our favorite Chinese restaurant in Ithaca, NY in the late 1960s, we noticed…


Saving Baby Blues

Three days ago, there were four. They had new feathers and hungry mouths Now there…

Bereavement and End of Life Nature

There’s Joy Here

I read the news, so I know. Children are starving in Gaza and Ukraine. In…

Family and Friends Nature

Safe and Warm

I wake up to the silence of deafness. It’s 6 am and cool, but there’s…

Anthony and David
Family and Friends Health

Reaching for a Helping Hand

“No more heroics,” my son Anthony says. His brother David would say the same. “No.…

Edna, 16 yrs old, graduating from Juliard
Family and Friends

My Grandmother’s Diary Imagined From Stories She Told

November 6, 1893 (Chicago) I’m nine years old, and I’m scared. Papa died yesterday. Momma…


First Spring Butterfly

On a rare sunny April afternoon, I sit on a round stone near Vic’s cairn…

Sky & Telescope / Dennis Di Cicco

Preparing for a Solar Eclipse

It will probably be cloudy here, because it’s March in the NY Finger Lakes. Still,…

My Land and Home Nature

After the Storm

“I lost big trees in the recent wind,” I tell the Finger Lakes Land Trust…

Family and Friends

A Shining Light Breaking Through the Storm

"But you're bound to lose If you let the blues get you scared to feel…