Family and Friends Health

Vulnerable in an Unbalanced World

I dislike flying, even though I’ve taken many flights to Europe, Asia, and around the…

My Land and Home Nature

Monarchs Teach Me to Trust the Cycle of Life

I feel the gentle pinch of grasping butterfly feet on my fingers before she walks…

My Land and Home Nature

Monarch Survivors in a World of Climate Change

This year, I rarely see an adult Monarch butterfly in the fields or in my…

Family and Friends

A Love Gathering

As the sun moves toward the horizon, seven people sit around a table on my…

My Land and Home Nature

Mourning Doves Became My Guardian Angels

As darkness descended, the last Mourning Dove baby peeked over the rain gutter edge. Its…

My Land and Home Nature

A Bluebird Mama Gives Me Faith in Nature

I watch the birds nesting near my home. Are they OK? Will a House Sparrow…

Nature Psychology and Mythology

The Courtship of Aphrodite’s Doves

He stands on a wood fence near my back porch, fluffing his feathers and waving…

Nikolas Noonan on Unsplash (public)
Family and Friends Nature

Safe Under Ominous Skies

We walk down a dusty road under a green tornado sky. After sharing family Sunday…


Hungry For Life

I feel the heart pull of Eros as I walk downhill to check on the…

Bereavement and End of Life Family and Friends

My Forest Is a Graveyard

You won't find bones or bodies. Instead you'll find natural stone markers, buried ashes, and…