A bright poppy for healing grief
Bone Health Basics

Reducing Fracture Risk: I discuss the basics of bone-enhancing nutrition, exercise, and health habits.

Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk Factors: I’ve gathered a number of risk factor lists here. You’ll notice a difference between risk of osteoporosis and risk of fracture. It seems obvious to me that lowering fracture risk is first priority. 


See this page for more information about exercise and bone health.

Designing Exercise Programs to Lower Fracture Risk in Mature Women: This was published in Strength and Conditioning Journal, February, 2006.

Strength Training Can Build Bone Density: In 2004, the Ithaca Times wrote an article about my work. This is a reproduced copy.

Aerobic and Balance Exercises To Lower Fracture Risk: Exercises to improve balance and lower the risk of falling, plus making aerobic exercise more bone-loading.


Which Whole Foods Support Bone Health?: I explain the best bone-supporting foods.

Should You Use Vitamin and Mineral Supplements For Bone Health?: I suggest supplements to support bone health.

Recent Findings About Vitamin D and Our Health: I review exciting findings about vitamin D and how it effects both our overall and bone health. It was published in Master Trainer.

Strong Women Don’t Starve: The title speaks for itself. Women can be healthy and keep their weight where they want it to be by eating and exercising well.


Bone Testing: Information about a number of tests available to help you assess your bone health. If your health care practitioner doesn’t recommend these tests, ask about them.

My Experience With Dexa Scan Accuracy: A personal report that might help you interpret your own results.

Periodontal Health and Bone Density: Gum disease can be an early warning that the body is losing bones.